Modern Milkman

Sustainable summer campaign 'Message on a Bottle'
Role: Creative lead

Copperhead Brewery Website design



The Challenge

Every summer, The Modern Milkman launches a community-focused campaign to raise awareness about environmental issues. In Summer 2022, our aim was to tackle the ocean plastic waste crisis. Through a children's art competition, we aimed to have kids create artwork that raises awareness. The winning artwork would be printed on milk bottles distributed to our customers on the milkround. Our goal was for children to convey their concerns through art, hoping to inspire their parents, the older generation, and those in positions of influence.



Conceptual Ideation

As the Creative Lead for the campaign, I co-created the initial concept with a copywriter to address the ocean plastic waste crisis through a children's competition. I developed the style guide and visual identity. I then led the creative team in producing design assets, ensuring a cohesive and impactful campaign.

Concept Ideas


Style Guide

Campaign Style

Milkman Blue


Banana Cream


Dark Denim

HEX: #365369

Blue Day

HEX: #3E7FB2

Fresh Grass

HEX: #ADD172



Omnipop Sans

Sub Headings

Omnipop Brush


The Outcome

The Outcome & Result

The campaign concept and style was rolled out to the creative team and multi channel assets were produced from Key Stage 2 educational packs to engaging animations.

The campaign received national press coverage. This initiative empowered children to express environmental concerns through art, emphasising collective action and The Modern Milkman's commitment to a nationwide impact. Media coverage amplified awareness and community mobilisation.

Message on a Bottle Outcome 1
Message on a Bottle Outcome 2
Message on a Bottle Outcome 3
Message on a Bottle Outcome 4

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